Inner Center

Restorative Hypnosis

Rediscover your center
in an outward looking world

At the center of each of us is a peaceful stillness. It is always present, even when thoughts and life are noisy. Inner Center supports clients in dropping the noise (situational stress, apprehensions, fears and limiting beliefs) so that inner peace is more accessible.

Please note that I am not a therapist and am not qualified to give pscyhological, medical, or other specialist advice. In such cases, please seek a licensed professional.

Through restorative hypnosis, meditative self-inquiry, or past-life regression, Rob helps clients de-hypnotize themselves from the stressful thoughts and limiting self-concepts that have kept them stuck.

Rob Stewart

Rob is a certified consulting hypnotist and an astrologer who specializes in assisting clients to release inner tension at its roots, and helps them restore their own sense of well-being.  Rob's personal journey of transformation has involved moving through chronic illness associated with mold and tick-born diseases. He has found that becoming aware of the beliefs behind emotional and physical discomfort can be an important supplemental step in reclaiming wellness.

Rob completed his hypnosis certification with the National Guild of Hypnotists in 2015, and has done professional certification trainings with Brian Weiss, best-selling author of “Many Lives, Many Masters”, David Quigley of the Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis, and many others.  In 2016, Rob founded Inner Center LLC. and since then has worked with clients from around the country and world, assisting them in connecting to their own deeper truth and understanding. 

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Reconnect with peace, empowerment, and purpose

Restorative Hypnosis

This approach combines the transformational modalities of hypnosis, meditation, and self inquiry. While traditional hypnosis can often focus on layering new thinking patterns on top of old habits, restorative hypnosis simply helps you let go of what doesn’t work – the stressful thoughts and habits that kept you stuck.

Past Life Regression

Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, these sessions bring the potential to see current life issues through a new perspective. The work of Brian Weiss ( has shown that positive change can occur naturally when the problem is understood in different way.


This container helps you release, reset, and achieve. Through meditative self-inquiry, mindful action, and even past-life regression, Rob helps clients de-hypnotize themselves from the improper programming of the past and the limiting self-concepts that have kept them stuck.

Are You Ready to Get Unstuck?

Book a free 15-minute phone call to learn more about my approach.

Client Reviews

"I contacted Rob because I had always wanted to explore hypnosis and past-life regression as a form of healing. I expected to have a transformational experience through my past-life but what was more profound to me were the connections that could be made from my astrology chart to my life now and the past life. At the end of our time together everything made sense and clicked as to why I have been feeling the way I do and Rob really assisted in that process. He took the time to go over my chart and up coming transits which gave me a lot of reassurance that I’m on the right path and how to prepare myself for the future. Truly grateful to Rob and the work he is doing."
"I originally went to Rob for hypnosis to help stop picking at my nails, but he turned out to be so much more. He helped me explore how to develop a balance between my subconscious mind and my conscious mind, in ways that have helped me be more centered and more comfortable in my body. He created a relaxation tape for me, and I begin each day listening to that as a form of meditation. His whole way of being is calming, supportive and knowledgeable. I highly recommend him."
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“I wasn’t sure what to expect from a hypnosis session but I’m so glad I did it! Rob guided me where I needed to go. I felt really clear and after, it showed me things I really needed to be reminded of. I really can’t say enough about the experience. I would recommend Rob to anyone who’s interested in trying hypnosis or really anyone looking for some clarity.”
"Our 12 year old son loves to play baseball, but he was struggling at bat. He appeared to be afraid of the ball only in the batters box. He pitched great, played 3rd and 1st base great, it was only at bat. We reached out to Rob as a last resort. It was either we try to fix his problem or he probably wasn't going to continue on with his favorite sport. Rob was comforting, peaceful, and explained the process of hypnosis to us. I was right there with him the whole time, and it was amazing to watch. Since he was hypnotized, our son finished off his baseball season strong. He also made the elite team he wanted to just 2 months later. We would 10/10 recommend Rob to anyone."
"My past life regression appointment was something very new for me. I found it perspective changing and was amazed at the experiences I had already had. I was reminded that this life is an educational stop along a path of growth for my soul. My viewpoint on life has deeply shifted and I learned to trust my own intuition, thoughts and vision more. This session was so impactful that I'm still thinking about it regularly a month later. Rob was extremely professional and knowledgable. I was completely comfortable the whole session."
“I suffered from debilitating motion sickness that was starting to get to the point that I would feel motion sick with certain smells, certain music, and sometimes before even getting into the car if I knew it was a drive that would normally make me sick. I had tried all kind of medical and alternative interventions with nothing working. When I would experience motion sickness, it would often ruin the rest of my day. I was really at the end of my rope for things to try. Although I was skeptical hypnotherapy could work, I was willing to try anything at this point for an iota of relief. Rob had never worked specifically with motion sickness but was optimistic and excited to take on my case. He was incredibly warm and made me feel very comfortable. He answered all my questions before starting anything. It was a really interesting experience but I can say that, since our session in mid-October, I have yet to experience any motion sickness AT ALL! I have taken several long car rides and many that would normally make me feel sick with no feelings of sickness at all. This was literally life changing for me and I can’t thank Rob enough. I would highly recommend him for any learned behavior/associated responses you may be experiencing.”
“I highly recommend Rob’s Inner Hypnosis sessions with a 5 out of 5 rating. For years I had a total mental block and fear of driving thru NYC. I recently had a session with Rob and with his help I totally overcame this fear. Rob has a respectful, kind and curative nature. Take care of yourself and have a session with Rob.”
“What a powerful experience! The past-life regression session with Rob opened up a great deal of previously hidden insight, love, and revelation. Rob has a very gentle and supportive way of safely guiding you to a deep state where the subconscious is unlocked to reveal potential personal power, in an autonomous and empowered way. Thank you, Rob!!”
"I contacted Rob for much needed help. I had an incredible craving for sugar. I would eat snacks instead of meals... I felt terrible, and was gaining weight... It has now been 2 weeks and the thought of anything sweet doesn't appeal to me at all. I walk past Cadbury eggs, ice cream any kind of sweets and if I want to treat I find myself craving pineapple and carrot sticks. It's been a short time but I have lost a couple of pounds and I'm shocked and excited by the outcome. I would highly recommend Rob and have highly recommended him."
“I had been intrigued by the idea of Past Life Regression for many years, and I’m so glad I found Rob and finally did it! What a truly amazing experience it was, and Rob created such a calming, safe and relaxed environment in which to be guided. I experienced three vivid past lives and they all helped to make sense of the life I’m currently living – something I had really hoped for! The whole experience exceeded all expectations, in no small part thanks to Rob’s gentle and compassionate nature, and I would recommend it to anyone!”
“I’ve had the pleasure of having both a past life regression and an astrology reading with Rob. I cannot recommend Rob’s services enough. Both experiences were profoundly transformational and healing. I found it helpful to have the past life regression before my astrology session because you can see how past lives and our natal chart are deeply linked. Rob held such sincere and safe space for my friend and me to go as deep as needed. Rob is your guy if you are called to understand yourself more greatly. He is such a great compass and light. He records all sessions for you, which is an added bonus.”
“Incredible experience! Rob responded within the hour of my initial request for a hypnosis session. He took the time to speak with me via phone and go over the process. He is very understanding and asks questions to ensure hypnosis is right for you. He meets your needs with passion and understanding and helps guides you through hypnosis when you feel most vulnerable. He does not judge and has an incredible soul and compassionately wants to help those who are in need. I asked Rob to assist me in a past life regression hypnosis as I have felt there was more to my story than I was aware of. Incredibly a lot of information came to the surface including other areas of my life. After the session, Rob took his time to reiterate what had taken place and he went over each event with understanding and compassion. I would highly recommend Rob for your hypnosis session. ”
“Rob guided me back into two separate lives in one session. His meditation was very subtle I felt as though I was fully aware of my presence in the room as well as his. Rob’s gentle voice and demeanor helped me to relax enough to take the journey back to places that I feel have affected the way I make my way through this life and time. I realized I have been operating on some old fears, that no longer serve me. This session was very therapeutic for me, and I look forward to my next session with Rob.”
“Deciding to try a hypnosis session with Rob was a wonderful decision. The sessions I have had so far were unbelievably eye-opening experiences. Probably the most profound experiences I have had in my life. What I have learned about myself and the universe is immeasurable. Rob is not only highly skilled at his craft, he is also thoughtful and sensitive to my needs and goals. A special and extremely kind person, everyone should have the chance to work with him.”
“My experience with Rob has always been kind and welcoming. Whether in person or online, he is a master of inducing and guiding hypnosis and knowing when to ask questions or when to observe and be present. I look forward to many more sessions in the future.”
“Rob’s calm reassuring approach to hypnosis and past-life regressions makes him the ideal person to guide you through this fascinating healing practice. I had a really profound experience and felt safe and in control the whole time thanks to his guidance. Thanks Rob!”
“Working with Rob opened inner possibilities and insights beyond any of my preconceived expectations. His presence radiates love, safety, and wisdom, and the intuitive way he guides makes working with him a special journey. Rob is truly gifted to do this work and I can’t recommend the experiences he facilitates highly enough!”
“Rob is a highly skilled, intuitive, and deeply compassionate facilitator. He has a great capacity to hold space for your process in a gentle and encouraging way. He will guide towards goals or intentions set up beforehand, and he also knows when to let go of structure and navigate opportunity – the unfolding of the unknown, whatever is arising in the moment. He is tracking and anchoring the whole multidimensional scope of you and your experience as you travel this space of your greatest wisdom. I’ve done a number of sessions with Rob, and it is a highly effective method for dropping into the dreamtime with profound lucidity, from which I’ve mined the treasures of healing, vision, wisdom, empowerment, and deeper integration of Self.”
“I started the session telling Rob that I didn’t think I was a human before this, and didn’t realize that would take me into the animal world. I was transported to a crazily vivid world of falcons, whales, and bacteria. It felt like I was experiencing things with all my senses, tasting, and smelling. Maybe it’s my wild imagination, but Rob did a good job taking me there.”
“Rob is a skilled hypnotist with a soothing voice, clear guidance, and unparalleled patience. I felt cared for and supported as he led me through several past lives and on an amazing (and unexpected!) journey to retrieve a “missing piece” of my soul. I recommend him highly.”
“Rob and I met at Omega in Rhinebeck, NY October 2015 for a 5-day Past Life Regression (PLR) training workshop with Dr. Brian Weiss, who is an expert in the field of PLR, along with his wife Carole Weiss. The workshop participants practiced various methods of regression on each other. I am an intuitive and wanted Rob to regress me, because I could tell he’s a natural at doing this type of work. I personally have dealt with some humbling repressed memories in this lifetime as well as dozens of other lifetimes. Rob has been instrumental in helping me deal with some of these past lives as well as assisting me to release some of the cellular memory in parts of my body that needed to let go of this old energy. I am grateful to have met Rob and have experienced a pro in the making in PLR.”
“I’ve experienced several sessions with Rob and his relaxing techniques and professional personality helped guide me into deeper hypnotic states than I’d thought possible (for me at the time). We were able to build off prior sessions and open up thoughts and parts of my brain previously blocked during my own meditation efforts, which have also become more successful since visiting Rob. I can’t recommend him highly enough!” – Ken, Hampton, NH